Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Brief Post on a Two-Year Anniversary

Two years ago today was move-in day for the house.

Which means two years ago right now, I was surrounded by boxes, mayhem and moving men and was slightly overwhelmed.  One of the movers had fallen down the stairs and bloodied his nose pretty good - I can't help but wonder if he remembers that or it was just another house in a long never ending series of moves.  Likely the latter.
I was also watching snow showers accumulate to around six inches by nightfall.  Quite a difference today with near boredom and temperatures almost warm enough to wear shorts.

2010 started out "normal" with no pretense of what was to come.  Mid-2010 changed to being all about buying a house.  2011 was all about selling a house.  I guess that means that 2012 has been all about searching for that new normal.  It remains elusive.

After moving, there was the winter period of making everything right; making it home, basking in the realization of the goal of a much newer house on acreage.  Spring came and there was pole-barn building, yard work to start, lawns to mow, etc.  And, as noted much of that year was spent working towards selling the old house.

With 2012 approaching a close there is still not a normal.  The new house requires much less upkeep (with the exception of the four acres to mow).  Between that and other life changes (simplification?), I often have more time for other stuff than I ever have before.  Much of that time seems to have been filled with work, which is very wrong.  I am not working today since I have a few days of vacation I need to use by years end, but I wasn't able to stop myself from logging in remotely, if only briefly.

And so the question remains, what am I going to be when I grow up?  Happy two-year anniversary!


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