Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012 Christmas Letter

(Note:  Slightly anonamized)

It has been a good year.  Sure there have been some bad days, but perhaps they are just there to remind us that there are better days in the future.
“I want it all!  The crushing lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles.” - Homer Simpson

As is always the case, most of the year was spent doing mundane things.  But, there is a quiet contentment in pecan waffles very early on a weekend morning or in reading a book while watching the sun set in the evening...

However, life is more than books and waffles.  After a 2-year hiatus for other important things, we got back to real motorcycle touring.  This year’s late summer trip took us through 14 states as far away as the Tacoma Narrows and the Pacific Ocean.  Other experiences of the adventure include Eastern Montana’s Big Empty; the Bitterroot/Clearwater and Cascade Mountains; the John Day region of Oregon; the Nevada Desert and Bonneville Salt Flats.  The road wound through Utah and Nebraska to have wonderful visits with family before arriving safely back at home, better for the experience.
We keep passing unseen through little moments of other people's lives.” - Robert Pirsig

F had several trips to see family and a trip to Disney with her sister in late spring.  She is preparing to abandon TJ for New Years for her second (yes, 2) trip to Disney this year.
TJ had his usual (not sure these could ever be considered usual) wild boar hunting trip in the winter and had several shorter solo motorcycle trips to connect with friends.

Work is still work, but it pays the bills.  
F's responsibilities continue to incrementally grow at {work}.  The economy has picked up a little this year and people still like {stuff} in their lives.
TJ survived two (yes, 2) rounds of cuts at {work}.  His work group got “help” from some external consultants for several months early in the year.  Think the movie Office Space except that reality is always more squalid than fiction.
“Chaos in the midst of chaos is not funny.  Chaos in the midst of order is.” - Steve Martin

The dogs are doing well.  FB still loves her walks as long as they are done on her terms.  J’s life revolves around the furniture.  S is doing remarkably well, still puttering along and patrolling the back yard at the age of 16.

F continues spending time making amazing quilts.  TJ began to look at some of the projects to do around the house.  A few got done, but most never went past the looking stage.  That is OK, we hope to live here for a long time.
“You better take care of me Lord, if you don’t you’re going to have me on your hands.” - Hunter S Thompson

It has been a good year.  We hope your year was and will be great as well.

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