Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy Another Year

Let's get one thing out there right now:  I've spent somewhere north of 125,700 minutes working in 2017 year.  Give or take...  I find this depressing, but there is no end in sight.  And while not all the time is unpleasant, I do really enjoy the paycheck most of all.
I've spent around 153,000 minutes sleeping (or laying in bed wishing I could sleep).  I guess this is needed.
I'm embarrassed to admit I've probably spent 89,000 minutes watching TV.  In my defense, some of that was just background noise.
I probably spent 54,000 minutes cooking and eating.  Sadly, I ended the year 4.2 pounds heavier than last year, but any of that which was due to smoked ribs is worth it.
I've spent 20,900 minutes commuting - although some of that has been on the motorcycle and only a comparitively small amount of that time was stuck in wretched traffic.
I spent around 3500 minutes mowing the lawn, with another likely 3000 minutes doing other house maintenance.
I probably spent 2800 minutes just grocery shopping.
I might have spent 1200 minutes doing maintenance and repair on motor vehicles.  The MGB being rear ended in 2016 was the major contributor to that.
I can definitely look back at 2017 and see highlights of the year - more good than bad even.  It would even be hard to say 2017 wasn't a good year.  I spent somewhere around 38,900 minutes on vacation; that is the time that matters most.  Still more time than commuting.  And I know that places me in the lucky-SOB category.  Two minutes and 37 seconds of that was watching a total solar eclipse.
I spent somewhere around 18200 minutes walking the dog - the older one is sadly too old to go on walks anymore.  I pedaled my bicycle around 10,000 minutes.  This is offset by the time spent eating ice cream (maybe 2000 minutes).  Is the ice cream worth it?  Maybe, but maybe not.
It was a good outdoors year where around 4700 minutes were spent hunting or fishing.
About 11,700 minutes were spent riding my motorcycles - it should have been more.
I spent somewhere around 1700 minutes reading books.  This could be added to 4300 minutes spent reading magazines.
I spent 2200 minutes in the shower and around 600 minutes shaving.  It would be hard to justify even this amount of time based on my appearance.

As I look forward to 2018, it would be nice to think the mundanity of all the 2017 minutes would not be repeated, but I suspect 2018 will look a lot like 2017.  So Happy New Year is inaccurate, and maybe overly optimistic. 
Happy Another Year.

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