Friday, December 1, 2017

This Year Looks Like It Might End Weirder Than It Started

Last year, Jalopnik published a story titled: Remember that time Terry Gross from NPR’s Fresh Air got banned from drag racing?

The original version as I remember it is gone, replaced with an abbreviated one - as too many people failed to notice it was Filed to:SATIRE.

This was hilarious on so many levels. First, the idea of Terry Gross being a hard-core drag racer. The pictures in the article. The language in the article. That it had to be changed because people read it as fact. That people can't separate fact from fiction anymore (I'm looking at you, John Stewart).

Remember that time Garrison Keillor was accused of sexual misconduct? File to:???

It is now December - a time when much outdoor life goes into a state of dormancy. At least this happens most of the time. It isn't the first year ever when a few trees have kept their leaves into December, but the amount of green left is staggering.

Honeysuckle is often the first thing to green up in the spring, and is late to lose its leaves. I'm quite sure if left on its own, honeysuckle would take over the whole world. But remaining green into December is unusual ... is weird.

As the green honeysuckle continues is fight against the normal order of things, the news airwaves have been filled with accusations and admissions of sexual misconduct, harassment, etc.
Much of this, I'm not surprised about.
A former Saturday Night Live star? -Al Franken. I'm not surprised.
A priveledged face for TV? -Al Franken (wait, I already used him). -Matt Lauer. I'm not surprised.
A power-grabbing politician? -Al Franken (wait, I already used him). -John Conyers. I'm not surprised.
A movie actor? -Al Franken (wait, I already used him). -Kevin Spacey. I'm not surprised.
A stand-up comic? -Al Franken (wait, I already used him). -Louis CK. I'm not surprised.

The list is long, and will get longer. My list above is a bit unfair to Al Franken, but anybody who sees this shocking is too wrapped up in Franken's cult of personality. Ever since moving from Stuart Smalley to a "real" politician, he's grown to be the darling of the media. Everybody (justifiably) throws rotten fruit at Harvey Weinstein, Steven Seagal and Donald Trump. Too many people - especially in the media - point to Al Franken and then say, "but..."

Sadly, most of these recent accusations are true. Sadly, some of these are not.

When I heard Garrison Keillor was accused of improper behavior, I first hoped it was filed to satire. Part of me still hopes it falls in the latter categorization. I've never been a real fan of Garrison Keillor. I would listen to A Prairie Home Companion mostly because it happened to be on when the radio was on and tuned to NPR. The movie A Prairie Home Companion was surprisingly good. Poetry seems a bit pointless, but I was aware of Writers Almanac. Lake Wobegon was sometimes amusing, but often not.

What little I know about Garrison Keillor describes him as a bit of a curmudgeon and a loaner. His personal life does appear to have been rather sticky at times though.

And therein lies the rub. How many of these recent accusations are an awkward situation taken beyond the context? A childish act, gone too far in a moment without thinking? It is impossible in the current atmosphere for anyone to question these situations once they become public. But I have seen a perfectly innocent conversation turn to offense - due solely to a poor choice of words. Do intentions matter?

Outright lies will probably eventually come out. But often too late for the accused. And the grey area of awkwardness, a tumbling of the rhythm of life, words escaping before time to realize they may be interpreted not-as-intended. I defy anybody to not think back and wince.

"Just as ancient insects that led full productive lives disappeared without a trace, and those that bumbled into amber and died are still around in tangible form, so our personal failures remain, sharp and clear, long after the day-to-day routine and minor victories fade into nothingness."
-Neil Steinberg

The court of public opinion is one mean-assed, uncontrolled, bastardly mirror with view that doesn't always match reality.
So the accusers should have their say. Garrison Keillor should be given his due. And while I'm much less surprised by the Al Franken accusations - he is owed the same.

Now is the winter of our discontent.

The honeysuckle will eventually lose all its leaves and go dormant. I'm less sure what will happen to the remainder of the rest of this weird year.

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