Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ten Days

By company rules I have to use last years vacation by the end of April.  I have six days left which means ten days off in a row.  It isn't atypical to have a few days off at the end of April, but this many is too many. I'm not complaining about the vacation and I need the time off, but the vacation now is a result of improper use of one of the most valuable commodities I have; time, vacation.

I'm looking forward to the time off and have some stuff to do around the house.  I'm glad I won't have to be at work for over a week and deal with the idiot consultants.  I'm worried what the idiot consultants will do in my absence.  What is the goal of a successful consultant?  The next client.  Short term wins to show management at the expense of long term sustainability.  Ugh - But enough about work, I've got ten days to not think about this.

Several previous years when I've had a few days at the end of April, I'd go on a short trip somewhere.  I might try to do that, but I'm not really sure where this year.  The the distressing things about this is it points to poor use of my vacation last year.  This is partially the result of selling the house last year and the complication it brought.  Ten years ago, I felt sorry for people who couldn't use all their vacation.  I do have to be honest with myself and say that I have been feeling a little morose about the situation.

A previous boss once said that time is like your virginity.  Once it is gone, it is gone.  A different previous boss once commented on seeing a group of young men hanging out in front of the store across the street all day how he wished he could buy their time, since it was being squandered.
So this time isn't going to be wasted, just used differently.  Here's hoping for a few nice days.  A few things completed around the house and a few new ideas.  Time for reflection and anticipation in the same breath.

And, some time to look forward to (and maybe plan for) the next real vacation!

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