Sunday, April 1, 2012

Six Month Review

I've been writing this now for about six months.  In the corporate world where I work, this would be the appropriate time for a review.  This is not the corporate world, but it is time for a review.
Predictably, the amount of these posts that  have been viewed is pretty paltry.  That is fine, this is more for me and my alias than anyone else.  Some of the posts have been pretty lame, but I've yet to see a blog where that isn't the case.  At least I recognize it.  Happily, I've avoided politics to a large extent.  While I used to have a real interest in politics and still follow pretty closely what is going on, the topic is too mundane.  My interest is more in the humor and hypocritical behavior and "both sides" as my personal leanings are far right on some issues, far left on others.  With that, I would love to see a presidential race between Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.  The country would be better served by a race between John Breaux and Bill Richardson.

What  has been surprising over the last six months has been how difficult it was on some days (weeks) to find something that I want to pen.  There is always something going on, but mundane chores and work consume most of my (and likely our) lives.  As this has gone on, I wonder how difficult it is for Leonard Pitts to find something to write about for every column.  He writes politics though, which is cheating...and fleeting.

When I started writing this, my mind was consumed with the events surrounding the sale of the old house.  It has been surprising how much that has had a continued affect.  The liberation of selling it has allowed significantly more enjoyment of the new house and life in general, even though most of the improvements I may do are pretty low priority right now.  I would never have expected simply moving a few miles could have this significant effect on my general outlook for life.  Work is overall the least enjoyable it has been with too much work, too much responsibility and a lack of resources.  We are nearly half way through a multi-week project with these idiot consultants.  I have never had so little respect for people in that field as I do right now.  There is just a total lack of understanding of the reality we work in every day.

What I have liked writing about the most, is things currently happening, and how they relate and remind me of things from my past.  There are a few posts in the near future I'm already mentally writing that I am looking forward to.

For now, I'm going to continue to try to write about once a week.  I saw a news story on TV a while ago where research was done on writing within the US public.  Without remembering specifics, a huge percentage of the population said they had a book they wanted to write, while only a very small amount actually do.  I would add, or can.  Having a story, or something to say is easy.  Every toddler has a story.  Forming words in a way that others want to read is a gift and a skill.  I claim neither, but practice make habit (practice almost never makes perfect, and only rarely improvement).  I can only hope that habit makes better.

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