Friday, October 13, 2017


Draco says:

  1. All push pins will be clear, white or blue.  No push pins of other colors may be used.
  2. Meat will consist of one chicken or one duck per person per week.  Venison may be substituted between October and December only.
  3. All vehicles will be rear wheel drive.  For persons of sufficient means, all wheel drive may be substituted.
  4. Lawn mowing will conclude each year by November 10.  Mowing the lawn after November 10 will result is immediate property loss.
  5. No alcohol of any kind will be tolerated.
  6. Teeth will be brushed both morning and evening, one tooth brush per individual.  Tooth brushes must never be shared.
  7. Dolphins found in the Great Lakes must not be harmed.
  8. All signatures will be done in blue or black ink.  Signatures in pencil or ink of any other color are invalid.
  9. Only barbless hooks may be used in the taking of fish.  Nets maybe used in the landing of fish, but not as the primary means of fishing.
  10. Management will write one memo detailing the previous three weeks of work every other week.  The memo will be one single-spaced page - no more, no less.
  11. The thermostat will be set at 76 or above during times where cooling is needed, and at 65 or below when heating is needed.
  12. The day's work may begin at any time.  However, lights must remain dimmed until after 6:00AM.  No office work is to be done on Saturday or Sunday.
  13. Bread must contain whole wheat as the primary ingredient.
  14. The combination of any citrus fruit or any part of any citrus fruit with any meat or fish is considered unfit for human consumption.
  15. Dogs must not be allowed to sleep outside at night.  If a house has a dog, that house must have a minimum of two dogs.
  16. All domiciles will be cleaned on every weekend.  The only exception is when a house is not occupied for the entirity of both Saturday and Sunday.  Cleaning procedures will be detailed separately.
  17. File reconciliation will occur in January of each year.  Non-critical documents created prior to the previous year will be purged and shredded or burned.
  18. Anytime Friday falls on the 13th of the month, it will be considered a paid holiday.

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