Friday, December 16, 2016

No, Virginia, There Is No Santa Claus

Dear Editor:  I am 40-something years old.
Some of my colleagues say there is no Santa Claus.
The Boss says, ‘If it is on the Internet it’s so.’
Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?

Dude, your colleagues are right.  They have been given insight, which is not a product of education per se, but a result of critical skepticism.  Facts are a result of what can be seen, what can be measured.  Humans have been given the gift of rational thought, which allows us to understand what we see and in some cases learn what we cannot directly see.  In this great universe, our planet is one of only billions of planets.  But no intelligent person has ever seen Santa Claus, neither direct nor indirect evidence of him.

No, Dude, there is no Santa Claus.  He does not exist.  This is actually good, because there are, in fact, enough good people in the world to make up for 100s of mythical benefactors.  The world is a better place because there is no Santa Claus.  It is better because there are people who can think, maybe even like you, Dude.  The world is also made better by people who excel in the arts, making things like Santa Claus exist noisily only in the world of fiction.  People should be enlightened early on the difference between reality and fiction, while still enjoying both of them in the appropriate setting.

No, you should not believe in Santa Claus.  You should also know that the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, goblins and Care Bears do not exist.  It is impossible to prove the negative, but over the course of all human history, no one has ever observed Santa Claus and controlled studies giving evidence have never produced data suggesting his existence.  Yes, following the scientific method, we are able to consistently show that the theory of Santa Claus is unquestionably incorrect.  Do not be sad in this, for this frees up time and energy to spend observing some of the real wonders of the world:  From Quantum Mechanics to Chemistry to Astronomy to Geology to Biology; the world is a wonderful place.

We can tear apart the car's transmission to see how it works.   And while there is a veil covering everything, that veil can be made more transparent and eventually lifted through learning.  But still, do not forget faith, poetry, love, literature, music are also available to open up a uniquely different part of life.  Is this other part real?  Yes, it is real in that it exists for everyone to enjoy, Dude, but do not confuse myth and legend with what is fact!

No, Dude, there is no Santa Claus.  And Thank goodness!  He may forever remain mythical.  And your presents – and happiness – come from friends and family members who you interact with every day.

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