Sunday, March 18, 2012

Late Winter to Late Spring

A few weeks ago, I was complaining about this time of year.  Nothing going on, weather teasers, etc.
What a difference a few weeks makes.  This past week has been nothing but unusually warm weather and decent motorcycle weather - which means great motorcycling weather for March.

Temps in the mornings have been in the 50s (or higher).  Temps in the afternoons have been in the upper 70s to near 80.  This is unusual, or at least it feels that way.  Trees are budding, and grass is growing.  If the forecasts are correct and this continues, there will be mowing needed by as early as next week.

This is a huge change from last year.  Last year at this time, the weather was cold with an overwhelming amount of rain.  We were trying to sell the old house at the time with the basement going from spring damp to wet.  Our Realtor assured us that with the type of basement it was, it was not a big concern.  She was right, of course, but it wasn't helping.  At least not mentally.

The difference highlights that this is a new year, and right now it is hard to not be somewhat optimistic about it.  There is a touch of grey to this silver lining however.  The next hard frost can almost be counted on since it is still March.  What will happen to the budding and flowering trees then.

For now, I'll enjoy the weather and the pessimism that spring is just started.

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